• Awareness,  Perspective

    A New You

    I have lost everything, and I have everything. It’s a hard statement to understand but I feel this is true in my life. This time 10 years ago I really had no idea what grief, loss or unconditional love was. Now these are my constant companions, my friends who keep me company when all else is quiet in my life. About 10 years ago I met my husband, I didn’t know it at the time but he has taught me so much about what it really means to love someone without boundaries or expectations, 10 years ago I knew I wanted to…

  • Education

    Ten Apps To Help You Survive Bedrest

    By Madeline Gill, Director- Little Pearl Blog I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what got me through my four months of bed rest in 2018 when I was pregnant with my little girl. There is very little advice out…

  • Perspective

    Premmie Parenting

    I recently read another article on developmental milestones, you know the ones, they tell every thing your child should be doing at the exact age of 6 months or by 2 years and I’m thinking to myself – “Really, do…

  • Inspiration

    My Darling Indiana, Love Mummy

    When I found out I was pregnant, I thought it was too good to be true, and once it really sunk in, I already had so much love to give to you. Approaching 30 weeks, my pregnancy had been bliss,…

  • Perspective

    Back to Work

    It’s something that most new parents have to address – When is the right time to return to work? How will I make this work? Will they be ok with someone else? What if it doesn’t work? For some of us,…

  • Awareness,  Inspiration

    ❤️ Valentina’s Story ❤️

    So I had been to the hospital for my 28 week appointment at the hospital (I was exactly 28 weeks) and all tests were completely fine, the next morning at 3:30am (17 hours after my appointment) I woke up with…

  • Perspective

    Sweetheart, I am here

    I am here. As I sit next to you for another day I want you to know that I am here, for you, for me and I’m not going anywhere without you. I can see you, or at least parts…

  • Perspective

    The Christmas Blues

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, maybe not for all of us.  It has been two and a half years now since the premature birth of my twin girls and I still seem to struggle with big events and milestones, like…

  • Perspective

    The people that you meet …

    It’s true that under difficult and traumatic circumstances people often rally and band together. Maybe it’s a desperate attempt to find security, to lessen the fear. I think, perhaps, we are hoping to find a safer place, a place where…

  • Perspective

    The After Life

    For some reason, when they told us we could take Madeleine home, I thought “it” was over; this whole saga of having a premature baby was over. We had got through it; we were finally going to be a ‘normal’…

  • Perspective

    The NICU; A new normal

    When I think back on our time in the NICU, I am filled with immense gratitude and almost a sense of happiness which, I know, is odd. And I know this isn’t everyone’s experience but for us the NICU became…

  • Perspective

    Amelia’s story; Birth Envy, a Real Thing

    A quick google search confirms exactly what I thought – birth envy is a real thing. Except for me it’s so much more than envy, it’s a genuinely horrible feeling of hatred, jealousy, anxiety, panic, inadequacy, and leaves me feeling…