
Ten Apps To Help You Survive Bedrest

By Madeline Gill, Director- Little Pearl Blog

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what got me through my four months of bed rest in 2018 when I was pregnant with my little girl. There is very little advice out there on how to cope with the boredom, stress and powerlessness of bed rest. So over the coming months, I’m going to be sharing with you some of the things that got me through, including crafts you can do from bed and podcast recommendations.

For today, I want to share with you the Apps I used that kept my mind sharp, my mindset positive and, most importantly, kept me away from ‘Dr Google’.

While bingeing on television and movies in bed had once sounded amazing to me, after the first few days of bed rest, the novelty had completely worn off! I felt like my mind was becoming sluggish and I needed something else to keep the stress and worry of my pregnancy at bay. That’s when I turned to Apps.

I wanted to feel productive again and the apps I recommend below not only served as an entertaining distraction from the daily stress and fear I was feeling but they also offered me the opportunity to engage in personal development while on bed rest and gave me a sense of accomplishment when I was using them. They may not be for everyone but here’s my top ten apps for bed rest…

All views and opinions expressed are my own. I haven’t received payment for writing this article. Prices are current at the time of writing but subject to change depending on exchange rates etc. Always check the fine print on the App store for information on current prices.

1. Calm

My favourite feature on this app are the amazing sleep stories, narrated by a range of celebrities, musicians, athletes and even astronauts. Think Matthew McConaughey’s relaxing southern drawl lulling you to sleep or Stephen Fry’s calming voice taking you on a tour of the lavender fields of Provence. Perfection! The app also has a range of soundscapes such as; rain on leaves, city sounds, rainforest or crashing waves to rock you to sleep. If you have been meaning to add meditation to your daily practice this app is an excellent way to get started as it has a huge collection of guided meditations.

Price: About $13 USD/month

2. Duolingo

Why not learn a language while on bed rest? Duolingo offers fun interactive lessons and tests. It is easy to use on your phone or ipad. You work through the language basics in order to advance to the next level. There are so many languages to choose from! French, German, Italian, Portugeuse, Spanish… just to name a few.

Price: FREE

3. Spotify

Listen to your favourite songs and musicians and discover new ones! Spotify makes it super easy to discover new music and create playlists. While away the time by creating playlists of all your favourite songs to inspire you and help you cope during labour. Create playlists of lullabies and nursery rhymes for after baby is born.

Price: 3 months free trial then $12/month

4. Remente

This is a personal development app which can keep you focused on life after bed rest through goal setting activities. It offers a mood tracker, a life satisfaction assessment tool and has a huge range of courses that cover everything from how to handle change, boost your well-being and improve relationships.

Price: About $10 USD/month

5. Pinterest

If you don’t already have Pinterest, where have you been?! this app is a social media app so you can connect with other users through sharing ideas and images. You can save images and articles to boards and curate multiple boards around your interests. I found it so helpful for discovering new crafts and exploring interior design and fashion trends when I was bored out of my mind on bed rest.

Price: FREE

6. What To Expect

This app provides excellent information and advice what what to expect during your pregnancy. It provides a personalised pregnancy tracker based on your due date so you can track your body’s changes asnd your baby’s growth on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis. It also includes the latest parenting news and health information, and access to a community of other parents going through the same thing.

Price: FREE

7. Etsy

Want to indulge in some online shopping during your bed rest? Etsy is a global online marketplace where you can shop for unique and handmade items. The free app makes it even easier to shop for maternity clothes, handmade baby clothes or decorations for your nursery. Price: FREE

8. Lumosity

Practice brain teasers and focusing your attention with over 60 games. The great thing about Lumosity is that the games are personalised for you so you can learn more about your cognitive strengths and strengthen those weaker areas. Scientifically backed, a simple user face and a fresh set of games every day, this app can help you stay sharp while on bed rest. Price: FREE (but number of games are limited. About $12 USD/month for full access)

9. Happify

Like Lumosity, Happify focuses on sharpening your cognitive skills- but specifically skills that help you overcome stress and negative thoughts. Lets face it, on bed rest, your brain is marinating in fear and worry. Happify offers tools and programs inspired by positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy to help you focus on your emotional well-being and build resilience.

Price: About $12 USD/month

10. Grateful: A Gratitude Journal

I know, I know, its hard to practice gratitude when you are stuck in bed against your will. You’re probably feeling frustrated, uncomfortable and disempowered right? well I have been there too! Believe it or not, now is the most important time to practice gratitude. While it may take practice, feeling grateful can be so powerful in building resilience and maintaining a positive mindset. This app is simple to use and promotes reflection through daily prompts such as ‘what made you smile today?’ You can write one word or a paragraph and even upload pictures if you want.

Price: FREE (for unlimited entries and to create your own prompts you can upgrade to premium for about $6.50/month)

Tell me what you think, did you find these Apps helpful or are their others you would recommend?


For more from Madeline, visit her Little Pearl