• Education

    Ten Apps To Help You Survive Bedrest

    By Madeline Gill, Director- Little Pearl Blog I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what got me through my four months of bed rest in 2018 when I was pregnant with my little girl. There is very little advice out…

  • Inspiration

    My Darling Indiana, Love Mummy

    When I found out I was pregnant, I thought it was too good to be true, and once it really sunk in, I already had so much love to give to you. Approaching 30 weeks, my pregnancy had been bliss,…

  • Awareness,  Inspiration

    ❤️ Valentina’s Story ❤️

    So I had been to the hospital for my 28 week appointment at the hospital (I was exactly 28 weeks) and all tests were completely fine, the next morning at 3:30am (17 hours after my appointment) I woke up with…

  • Perspective

    Amelia’s story; Birth Envy, a Real Thing

    A quick google search confirms exactly what I thought – birth envy is a real thing. Except for me it’s so much more than envy, it’s a genuinely horrible feeling of hatred, jealousy, anxiety, panic, inadequacy, and leaves me feeling…

  • Awareness

    Elaina’s Story

    So it was Sunday the 11th March 2018. I was at a friend’s house congratulating them on moving into their first house together. I felt off. It was a hot day and i was 27+4 pregnant. My hands were swollen…

  • Inspiration

    Hank & Angus’ Story

    Thursday 22nd of March I was admitted into the John hunter hospial in Newcastle after a specialist ultrasound. I was sat in a small room and was told “your boys aren’t growing angus has reversed Doppler’s and is in survival…

  • Notifications


    Welcome… This blog is dedicated to all those who have been affected by the premature birth of a baby; past, future or present. No one can prepare you for the impact a little premmie will bring to your life, it’s…