• Awareness,  Perspective

    A New You

    I have lost everything, and I have everything. It’s a hard statement to understand but I feel this is true in my life. This time 10 years ago I really had no idea what grief, loss or unconditional love was.…

  • Perspective

    Premmie Parenting

    I recently read another article on developmental milestones, you know the ones, they tell every thing your child should be doing at the exact age of 6 months or by 2 years and I’m thinking to myself – “Really, do…

  • Perspective

    Back to Work

    It’s something that most new parents have to address – When is the right time to return to work? How will I make this work? Will they be ok with someone else? What if it doesn’t work? For some of us,…

  • Perspective

    Sweetheart, I am here

    I am here. As I sit next to you for another day I want you to know that I am here, for you, for me and I’m not going anywhere without you. I can see you, or at least parts…

  • Perspective

    The Christmas Blues

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, maybe not for all of us.  It has been two and a half years now since the premature birth of my twin girls and I still seem to struggle with big events and milestones, like…

  • Perspective

    The people that you meet …

    It’s true that under difficult and traumatic circumstances people often rally and band together. Maybe it’s a desperate attempt to find security, to lessen the fear. I think, perhaps, we are hoping to find a safer place, a place where…

  • Perspective

    The After Life

    For some reason, when they told us we could take Madeleine home, I thought “it” was over; this whole saga of having a premature baby was over. We had got through it; we were finally going to be a ‘normal’…

  • Perspective

    The NICU; A new normal

    When I think back on our time in the NICU, I am filled with immense gratitude and almost a sense of happiness which, I know, is odd. And I know this isn’t everyone’s experience but for us the NICU became…

  • Perspective

    Looking Back …

    She’s 2…. Just like that, she’s 2! Sometimes I almost need to remind myself that it was all real if I am truly honest. These past 2 years have been both the longest and shortest of my life. When I…