• Education

    Ten Apps To Help You Survive Bedrest

    By Madeline Gill, Director- Little Pearl Blog I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what got me through my four months of bed rest in 2018 when I was pregnant with my little girl. There is very little advice out…

  • Perspective

    Premmie Parenting

    I recently read another article on developmental milestones, you know the ones, they tell every thing your child should be doing at the exact age of 6 months or by 2 years and I’m thinking to myself – “Really, do…

  • Perspective

    The people that you meet …

    It’s true that under difficult and traumatic circumstances people often rally and band together. Maybe it’s a desperate attempt to find security, to lessen the fear. I think, perhaps, we are hoping to find a safer place, a place where…